Friday, December 3, 2010

...I need to get better at writing in this thing...

I realize I'm terrible at keeping a blog....

So...I'll try again and see how long it lasts this time.

Well not much changes in my life, which isn't necessarily a bad thing at times.

Me and Matt are doing great, had a few bumps in the road but we worked through them *happy dance*

I officially have only three more classes for LCCC to finish my degree and I hope to move onto Tiffin to finish my bachelors. Tiffin has a bachelors completion program along with the masters degree I want. The masters degree is in Criminal Behavior. So I'd get to pick the brains of criminals and try and figure out why they did whatever it is that they did. Fascinating stuff for me :-)

Work is...well. I love working for Caribou but I'm incredibly frustrated with STILL not being a shift super. I've been passed over for the job, now TWO times as of today. I've worked my butt off for over two years to get my hopes up being told I was next in line to be a shift super to once again get told I'm not the right one for the job. So thats been a confidence killer.

Anyway, Christmas is right around the corner and I'm almost ready for it!! I really enjoy holidays with mine and Matts families. I just wish the two would get together for an entire one as a whole. Its hard to get my mom out of the house and Ike doesn't really like socializing. (I think I see the pattern....) I'm not home alot anymore, I'm usually out doing something or another with Matt.

OOooo my big news is I FINALLY have my own car!!! Its a '96 Honda Accord that I absolutely love. Jack Matia is a regular at work and I mentioned to him I was looking for a car and viola he ofund me one. :-) I'm enjoying having the freedom to drive where I want to when I want to.

Well I'm going to go watch a movie with the boy :-)

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